PRIZES.TXT If you read the program PAYWARE.TXT, you will note that Groff Software is introducing a new concept called Payware. It means that instead of the user paying the software author, the author pays the user. You can't beat that. Even if you don't like the program, you're ahead of the game. Actually, we don't pay all the users. We only pay those who can give us the most right answers to the BRAINO problems. If you send us the correct answers to the last three questions on BRAINO4, we will send you the free programs BRAINO5, BRAINO6, BRAINO7 and BRAINO8. We might add that we don't provide answers on the BRAINO5-8 programs. You are on your own. Like BRAINO1-4, however, you can take as many tries as you like until you get the right answers. The new programs contain graphics so you will find them more interesting than the original group. You will also be eligible to win one of the cash prizes for the most right answers. Our only minimum requirement is that the winner(s) at least correctly complete BRAINO5 and BRAINO6. The first person with the right answers for BRAINO5-8 will be the automatic top prize winner and the other prizes will be given to entrants whose correct submissions come at a later date and/or have fewer correct answers. (Complete details are on the disk with BRAINO5-8.) The prizes are: First Place $100.00 Second Place $ 75.00 Third Place $ 50.00 Five prizes of $10 each. To receive your free BRAINO5-8, please: 1. Send us the answers to the last three questions on BRAINO4. 2. Mail either: A. A formatted disk (3.5 or 5.25) along with a return envelope and postage. We will copy the information on to your disk (if you have the right answers) and send it back to you. B. Or, send $2.00 and we will do the rest. Please send a stamped return envelope so that we can return the money if your answers aren't correct. Thank you. Groff Software P. S. Any entries received after the prizes have been awarded will still receive the free disk if correct answers are provided.